The week-by-week tasks to build your year supply of food storage in 52 weeks
Week 1- Why, what, how?
Week 2- Where do I store it?
Week 3 bonus- FAQs on the Three-Month Supply
Week 3- How much food is three months' worth for MY family?
Week 3 bonus 2- Meal Ideas for Menu Planning
Week 4- B for 3, Where do I get the money?
Week 5- B for 3, DIY Instant Oatmeal
Week 5 bonus- Prophets See Ahead
Week 6- B for 3, Reducing Food Waste, using sour milk, easy Cheese Recipe
Week 7- B for 3, Protecting Your Food from Damage
Week 7 bonus- Make Your Own Microwave Popcorn
Week 8- B for 3, Canning meat, beans, and vegetables
Week 9- B for 3, Make Your Own Frozen Bread Dough,
Week 10- B for 3, Homemade Spreadable Butter, Homemade Dairy-free 'Butter'
Week 11- Regular B for 3 assignment
Week 12- B for 3, Homemade Pizza Rolls
Week 13- B for 3, Homemade Pancake Mix
Week 14- B for 3, Preserving Fruits and Vegetables
Week 15- B for 3, 61 Ways to Use Apricots
Week 16- B for 3, Anything-Goes Muffin recipe
Week 17- B for 3, Three-Way Zucchini Bread, plus bonus zucchini recipes
Week 18- B for 3, Homemade Cream of Tomato Soup
Week 19- B for 3, Making Vegetable Powders
Week 20- B for 3
Week 21- B for 3, Making Your Own Taco Seasoning
Week 22- B for 3 of nonfoods, Case Lot Sales, and Harvest Season
Week 24- B for 3 of nonfoods, The Teton Dam, and HOW Much Should I Store?
Week 25- B for 3 of nonfoods, Caramel Pear Butter
Week 26- B for 3 of nonfoods, Storing Winter Vegetables
Building a Year's Supply:
Week 27- Beginning your Year's Supply, Old-Fashioned Egg Toast
Week 27 extra- "Cheerfully do all that lies in our power", or, The Celestial Principle of Self-Reliance-- talk given in Sacrament meeting
Week 28- Weekly Purchase List for a Year's Supply in Six Months
Week 29- Where to Get Food Storage Buckets
Week 30- Pumpkin recipes
Week 31- Wheat! What to do with wheat, including recipes and links
Week 32- Storing grains and more with dry pack and vacuum method
Week 33- Storing and Using Oats- with lots of recipe links
Week 34- The Importance of Storing Sugar and Salt
Week 35- The Provo Sugar Miracle and What It Means For You
Week 36- Two-Minute Fudge-- and Make Your Own Sweetened Condensed Milk
Week 37- Candied Orange Peel (and an orange salad)
Week 38- FAQs on Powdered Milk- Why? What? How? and What if I can't have dairy?
Week 39- Powdered Milk Yogurt- Plain, Greek, and Flavored
Week 40- Free Cookbooks for using Food storage
Week 41- Walnut Meat(less)Loaf
Week 42- Homemade Cottage Cheese or Queso Fresco
Week 43- Fats and Oils in Your Food Storage
Week 44- A Perspective on Modern Conveniences
Week 45- Cooking with Beans, and Aunt Gen
Week 46- Preparation for What Ails You (or not)
Week 47- Planning for Possible Quarantine - even with children
Week 48- Guidance from Heaven
Week 49- Wheat: Making Bread (and rescuing it)
Week 50- Am I Hoarding? Preparing with Confidence, Turning from Panic into Power
Bonus- F*R*E*E or Pay-What-You-Can Self-Reliance Resources (COVID-19 limited time)
Week 51- (Meal Planning ideas)
Week 52- Sustainable Food: Gardening

Prices in this chart are from 2019.
Do you see #10 cans of freeze-dried fruit and wonder how much fresh food that is equal to? There are about 12 1/2 cups in each can, which equates to about 3 1/2 pounds fresh food. To find the price per pound of the original fresh food, divide the cost of the can by 3.5 Keep in mind this is produce that doesn't need washed, trimmed, refrigerated, or somehow else kept from spoiling.
Do you see #10 cans of freeze-dried fruit and wonder how much fresh food that is equal to? There are about 12 1/2 cups in each can, which equates to about 3 1/2 pounds fresh food. To find the price per pound of the original fresh food, divide the cost of the can by 3.5 Keep in mind this is produce that doesn't need washed, trimmed, refrigerated, or somehow else kept from spoiling.
Where to get your food
Anywhere and everywhere! Foods that become the most in-demand in hard times include cooking oil, butter, sugar, cocoa or chocolate. Watch for sales. Sugar in nearly any form stores almost forever as long as it doesn't get wet.
Local Grocery Deals
To see the best deals these stores have, check their weekly ads, below
NPS (1600 South Empire Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, (801)-972-4133)
Fresh Market- see their ad-
Harmons- see their ad-
Macey's- see their ad-
Ream's see their ad-
Smith's- see their ad
Local Grocery Deals
To see the best deals these stores have, check their weekly ads, below
NPS (1600 South Empire Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, (801)-972-4133)
Fresh Market- see their ad-
Harmons- see their ad-
Macey's- see their ad-
Ream's see their ad-
Smith's- see their ad
The Chameleon Cook: Cooking Well With What You Have

NOTE- these are currently out of stock. I'll update when another print run is ordered.
FREE option-
Starter Cookbook: free, designed especially for high school or college students, or anyone who wants to know how to cook from scratch with what's on hand. It's a compilation of the core recipes and 'formulas' I've learned over the years. It's in 4x6 card format, to cut out and slip into sleeves of a small photo album. It fits exactly in a 72-sleeve book. If you have a bigger book, add some blank cards for photos or recipe notes and experiments. This is the complete set of pages, including a table of contents and an index. Categories include Cakes and Frostings, Cookies, Desserts, Fruits and Vegetables, Main Dishes, soups, and sides, Miscellaneous, Pies, Quick Breads, and Yeast Breads. It takes about 2-4 hours to cut out the cards and assemble them into a book, more if you want it decorated.
Click here for more information...
It's $14 from me, $14.95 in stores.
Quantity discounts:
1-5 books: $14 apiece
6-19 books: $11.20 apiece (25% off retail)
20+ books: $8.22 (45% off retail)
FREE option-
Starter Cookbook: free, designed especially for high school or college students, or anyone who wants to know how to cook from scratch with what's on hand. It's a compilation of the core recipes and 'formulas' I've learned over the years. It's in 4x6 card format, to cut out and slip into sleeves of a small photo album. It fits exactly in a 72-sleeve book. If you have a bigger book, add some blank cards for photos or recipe notes and experiments. This is the complete set of pages, including a table of contents and an index. Categories include Cakes and Frostings, Cookies, Desserts, Fruits and Vegetables, Main Dishes, soups, and sides, Miscellaneous, Pies, Quick Breads, and Yeast Breads. It takes about 2-4 hours to cut out the cards and assemble them into a book, more if you want it decorated.
Click here for more information...
It's $14 from me, $14.95 in stores.
Quantity discounts:
1-5 books: $14 apiece
6-19 books: $11.20 apiece (25% off retail)
20+ books: $8.22 (45% off retail)