Use the powder in place of any tomato product- tomato paste, tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes, tomato juice, whatever you need.
It takes 1/4 c. powder, 1/2 c. hot water, and 1/8- 1/4 tsp. salt to yield one 8-oz can of tomato sauce. Add spices to turn it into pizza sauce.
More details on making the powder: if the tomatoes are small (cherry tomato size, I cut them in halves or quarters, otherwise I slice them about 1/4" thick. Dry until they are completely dried. I fill the blender (food processor would work, but I don't have one) to about the 4-cup mark, add a tablespoon of cornstarch to act as a moisture absorber during storage (optional), and turn it on until well powdered. To store, I've been putting them in canning jars, adding an oxygen packet, then topping with a new lid and a jar ring. This way, they seal.
It is not necessary to use the oxygen packet, and I don't have facts on how much it extends the shelf life. Most dehydrating books say that you still have maximum vitamin content in dehydrated for for one year, and that's without the packet. My line of reasoning is that taking out the oxygen should at least double or triple the shelf life, plus sealing the jar keeps humidity out. Just make sure there is no moisture in your food before powdering it, or it will clump and maybe mold. It often clumps after opening a jar, when I keep it in my cooking cupboard, but it's still completely usable, and the cornstarch can help prevent clumping. When drying, though, the essentials are to get the food as dry as possible, and store it at least fairly airtight, dark and cool is ideal.
To use tomato powder , I usually just toss in enough to 'make it taste right" into whatever soup I'm making, but if you want conversions, here's what I've figured out:
one 6-oz can of tomato paste: 1/4 c. tomato powder, 1/4 c. hot water, 1/4 tsp. salt
8-oz can of tomato sauce: 1/4 c. powder, 1/2 cup hot water, 1/4 tsp. salt
14-16-oz can crushed tomatoes: 1/4 c. powder, 3/4 c. hot water, 1/4-1/2 tsp. salt
8 oz. tomato juice: 2-4 Tbsp powder, just under 1 cup hot water, 1/16-1/8 tsp. salt
So the tomato powder-to-water ratio for each one is:
Tomato paste: 1:1
Tomato Sauce 1:2
Crushed tomatoes: 1:3
Tomato juice: 1:4-8
And, of course, you may add any herbs or spices you like.