The NYTimes recently ran an article called "Colorless Food? We Blanch", claiming nobody would want to eat food anymore if manufacturers didn't use artificial colors. It was a little ridiculous. One response to it is found here.

(If you just want the frosting recipe, go to the bottom of this post. To read about making a non-artificial pink-and-purple unicorn, read on.)
I baked a rectangular cake big enough for the pony to fit on and frosted it with Fluffy Cheesecake Frosting. I set the pony pan in a sink of hot water for just a couple seconds, then flipped the pan over the cake so the pony landed in the right place. Then I decorated with the purple frosting, and carved a horn out of a stick of jicama. (I was going to use the tip of an ice cream cone, but we were having jicama for dinner.) Voile! Everyone’s happy!
Fluffy Blueberry Cheesecake Frosting- makes about 2 1/2 cups
(See here for Strawberry Cheesecake Frosting)
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (or 6 oz. other berries)
½ c. sugar
1 Tbsp. Ultra Gel
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
4 oz butter, softened
½ tsp. vanilla
Combine blueberries and sugar; either puree them in a blender until smooth, OR cook and stir until boiling; cool. Beat cream cheese until smooth, add butter, sugar, blueberry mixture (cooled if you cooked it), Ultra Gel, and vanilla. Beat until smooth and fluffy. Let stand 5 minutes.
Ultra Gel needs five minutes to fully absorb liquid; that’s why I’ve added the 5-minute wait time. These frostings are easy to adjust- if too thick or pasty, add a little (1-2 tsp.) water, or as needed. If too thin, sprinkle on another 1 tsp. Ultra Gel and beat it in.
The cream cheese frosting recipe I tweaked to get this, above, as well as the white base layer:
No-cook “cooked”
Fluffy Cheesecake Frosting
½ c. sugar
1 Tbsp. Ultra Gel
8 oz. cream cheese
4 oz butter (1 stick), softened
¼ c. milk
½ tsp. vanilla
Stir together sugar and Ultra Gel, set aside. Beat cream cheese until smooth, add butter, milk, vanilla, and sugar mixture. Beat until smooth and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes.
Another variation I’ve come up with, in case you don't use table sugar at your house:
Fluffy Honey –Cheesecake Frosting
8 oz. cream cheese
4 oz. butter, softened
1/3 cup honey
3 T. water, milk, or cream
½ tsp. vanilla
2 Tbsp. Ultra Gel
Beat cream cheese until smooth; add butter, honey, water, and vanilla. Sprinkle the Ultra Gel on top, then beat all until smooth and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes.