The #1 reason people are scared of making gingerbread houses? I think it's ASSEMBLING the pieces. Most people use frosting to hold the pieces together. That's aggravating; the frosting doesn't hold well and the pieces have to be propped up for hours before they'll really bond. Who has time for that?
Here's what my mom taught us- use Edible Hot Glue- melted sugar. Caramel, they call it in the cooking world. Take about 1/2 cup granulated sugar, put it in a heavy saucepan (big enough to dip your gingerbread pieces in) over medium-high heat, and watch as it starts to melt. (It's actually decomposing, scientists just learned this year!) Do NOT walk away from the pan during this time!!! You'll need to stir a little of the unmelted sugar into the liquid part; keep it moving a bit so it doesn't scorch. Turn down heat as needed. If it cooks too much, it turns black and bitter-tasting.

Put the two pieces together immediately, and set them up on a flat surface. You'll have about ten seconds to get the fit right before this 'glue' sets up.

No problem.

Part of the tradition is that we eat our houses on New Years' Eve, though somehow there's always candy missing off them by then!