I have. Lots.
Besides that, sometimes lemons are cheap, and sometimes they're pricey, so I stock up only when they're cheap. To take advantage of good prices and a free hour in the day, I make frozen lemon juice. Or lime juice. Or grapefruit. Whatever. I usually do this when I have 3-12 of whichever fruit I'm using.

Juice the fruit, then pour the juice into ice cube trays. My trays take 1 cup to fill the whole thing, which means each of the 14 spots holds just under 1 Tbsp. Yours may be different. After they're frozen, pop them out and store in a ziptop bag. Be sure to label it.
One medium lemon contains 2-3 tablespoons of juice, so 2-3 cubes will be the right amount. One lime has about 1 1/2 - 2 Tbsp. of juice, so 2 cubes is about right for a whole one.
When I want some warm lemon water, I heat a cupful of water, then drop a lemon juice cube into it and stir to melt.
These are also good to toss into a pan sauce, especially for chicken or fish.
And if you add one to a fruit smoothie, it perks up the flavor.
You'll find a ton of ways to use these! -what are your favorites?