Here in the Salt Lake Valley, we still have a couple months of the growing season left; it’s not too late to plant some things. Beans, beets, carrots, and turnips are good ones to put in right now. You can even grow cool-season crops like peas, lettuce, spinach, chard, and cabbage, if you wait a couple more weeks for temperatures to drop a bit.
Here are a few quick tips for growing tomatoes-
*fertilize with 1 Tbsp. nitrogen (34-0-0) at four and eight weeks after transplanting. For me, that’s right about now. Put the fertilizer on the ground, to the side of the plant. Gardeners call this “side dressing”.
*Give them 1-2 inches of water per week, water deeply and infrequently. To know how often to water, dig a 4” deep hole, feel the soil at the bottom. If it feels cool and moist, you don’t need water yet. Wait until the top four inches dry out, then water again. Mulch around them to keep moisture in and to reduce weeds. *It will take about 25-35 days for a flower to become a ripe tomato. It seems to speed up ripening if you break off a few little branches. This tells the plant it had better hurry up and produce seeds before something happens to it.
for more info on tomatoes, including what causes blossom end rot: http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/HG_2004-05.pdf
info on planting beans:
and information on growing about any fruit, vegetable, or herb:
Here are a couple great quotes I ran across recently:
"Self-reliance is a product of our work and under-girds all other welfare practices. It is an essential element in our spiritual as well as our temporal well-being. Regarding this principle, President Marion G. Romney has said: “Let us work for what we need. Let us be self-reliant and independent. Salvation can be obtained on no other principle. Salvation is an individual matter, and we must work out our own salvation in temporal as well as in spiritual things.” - (In Welfare Services Meeting Report, 2 Oct. 1976, p. 13.), quoted in “In the Lord’s Own Way” Elder Russell M. Nelson, Ensign, May 1986
"There is more salvation and security in wheat than in all the political schemes of the world". - Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses, 2:207 Or in whatever food you end up storing.
Now for the recipes:
The two below are almost the same thing: the first is stiff because of the large amount of milk powder and powdered sugar, the second starts with the same ratio of PB and honey, but thickens it up with cereal/oats and just a little milk powder. Just goes to show you can do your own variations if you like. On those days that we’re out of bread and don’t know what to do for lunch, we’ll whip up a batch of these Peanut Butter Fingers (though we usually shape them in balls) and eat those. It’s our peanut-butter-sandwich, fun-sized. If you go by what the PB jar says is a serving (2 Tbsp.), the PB Fingers recipes only feeds 3 people.
Edible Playdough - makes about 2 cups’ worth, 1 ¼ lbs.
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup dry milk powder
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup honey
Mix peanut butter and honey together until smooth. Stir in milk powder, then add powdered sugar. Stir as much as you can, then dump out on counter and knead with your hands until it all sticks together.
Peanut Butter Fingers (small batch)
Yield: about 20 (2”) "fingers"
1/3 cup peanut butter
3 Tbsp. honey
1/2 cup corn flakes
1/2 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
1/4 cup dry milk powder
1/4 cup raisins or dried fruit bits
Sesame seed, if you like
In a medium mixing bowl stir together the peanut butter and honey until smooth. Put corn flakes in a plastic sandwich bag. Close the open end. With your fist, crush the corn flakes into small pieces. Add corn flakes, oats, milk powder, and raisins to the peanut butter mixture in the bowl. With your hands, mix well. If mixture is too dry to hold together, mix in a few drops of water.
Using a well-rounded teaspoonful for each, shape into logs 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide, or about the size of your finger. Spread the sesame seed (if you're using it) in a pie plate. Roll peanut butter fingers in the sesame seed. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container. If they don’t disappear first.