The bones from your turkey (with a little meat on still) -
Water to cover
1 big handful of parsley
1 tsp. thyme
1 bay leaf
2 carrots, cut in 1" chunks
2 stalks of celery with leaves, chopped
2 onions, quartered
5-10 peppercorns
5 whole cloves
1 Tbsp. salt to start with
I like to add a little cayenne pepper to the soup if someone is feeling under the weather.

Plan on this taking about 30 minutes; less for a chicken but often more for a large turkey.

If you have time, it's easiest to remove when you've chilled the broth overnight to let the fat solidify on top. To make the chicken noodle soup, put it in a big pot and bring to a boil while you're making the noodles. I usually add in a couple diced carrots and a rib of chopped celery, too. Taste to see if it needs more salt.

1 c. flour
1 egg
2-3 Tbsp. water
Put flour and salt in a bowl or on the counter, stir, and make a deep well in the middle of it. Put the egg in the well, beat the egg lightly with a fork, add water, and stir to make a stiff dough. Turn out onto floured counter and knead until smooth, about 3-4 minutes. Let rest 10 minutes. (You don't have to do this, but it rolls out more easily if you do.) Roll out into a rectangle, very thin, about 1/8" thick or less, on a floured counter. Using a pizza cutter or knife, cut into long strips 1/4-1/2 inch wide. Cut crosswise so each noodle is only 2-3 inches long. Lift off the counter using a pancake turner, dump into the boiling broth. They'll be done in only three minutes, when they float.
Here's a quote for today:
Ezra Taft Benson
"I would respectfully urge you to live by the fundamental principles of work, thrift, and self-reliance, and to teach your children by your example. It was never intended in God's divine plan that man should live off the labor of someone else. Live within your own earnings. Put a portion of those earnings regularly into savings. Avoid unnecessary debt. Be wise by not trying to expand too rapidly. Learn to manage well what you have before you think of expanding further. This is the kind of advice I would give my own, and is, in my opinion, the key to sound home, business, and government management.
"I would further counsel you to pay your honest tithes and contribute generously to the support of the poor and needy through the fast offerings. Then store at least a year's supply of basic food, clothing, and fuel. Then you will find these blessings will accrue: You will not be confronted with the danger of losing all you have because of inflation or depression. You will have security that no government can provide---savings and supplies for emergencies" (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 262-263).