Learn from a free, full-color weed guidebook online.
Photo courtesy USU Extension
In case the link above deoesn't work, you can get it at http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Weeds_2011-02pr.pdf
Understanding Fertilizer is a quick-to-read, one-page article about the basics of fertilizers.
And just for good measure, here is a list of 50+ free cooking/baking e-books from
The Prepared Pantry http://www.preparedpantry.com/Free-cooking-baking-recipe-e-books.htm
Did you know the plant in the photo above? It's Common Mallow. My kids call the little round seeds "cheesies" and love to eat them. Every part of this plant is edible, and the 'cheesies' can even be used to make meringue and marshmallows. (There are recipes for these in Edible Wild Plants, by John Kallas. He also has a website, http://www.wildfoodadventures.com)
Have a happy day!