There are other gingerbread posts on this website -- one with my best gingerbread house recipe and baking tips --there's even a link to a gluten-free version-- and another with easy instructions for assembling the houses with the least amount of hassle possible, and then decorating-- but I've not posted my pattern before. Mostly because I hadn't figured out a good way to do it. Hopefully this works-- sharing the dimensions via photo. I make the annual pattern using graph paper, a ruler, and a pencil. Sometimes I use that pattern to trace onto cardstock or a cover sheet, for a thicker one that can handle being used on more houses. We baked about 30 houses one year, as a school class activity! With eight children, a daughter-in-law, and usually a couple of extra people joining us, we typically make about 12-13 houses at one go now. The graph paper one should hold up fine for one or two batches of dough. The paper will get translucent pretty quickly from soaking up some of the butter in the dough-- but that doesn't hurt it.
Below is a photo of the size house this pattern will make.
Yes, most of our decorating candy comes from buying Easter and Halloween candy on clearance after the holiday!
Then the only trick is to remember where you stored it...