When we're cooking from scratch, sometimes we get carried away with spices. Are you stuck eating the whole batch because now your children refuse to touch it? Or are you tempted to throw it out?
My sister-in-law asked my sisters and I what we would do. Apparently her favorite way is to rinse the meat in a colander under running water, then return the meat to the skillet and add spices more cautiously. Someone on Facebook said that was disgusting and would result in soggy meat.
I'd be cautious about how much grease could go down the drain that way, potentially clogging it, but that's actually a good solution. The meat won't be soggy if you reheat it to drive off an excess water.
Another solution is to mix something else in with it to dilute the spice:
-plain cooked oatmeal or cooked cracked wheat (a really cheap meat extender!)
-plain refried beans
-a can of drained beans (black, kidney, or pinto)
-a half can of tomato sauce (cook more if this is too soupy)