Two houses, four wards, and almost ten years ago, a friend and I were on a quest to find two things--
the perfect pancake recipe,
and a perfectly adaptable muffin recipe.
We measured, stirred, cooked, talked, shared and compared. (I still think the ‘Foolproof Pancake’ recipe is tops.) And after all that, Laura compiled what I learned about muffins with what she learned about muffins, and the “Anything Goes” Muffin recipe is the result.
It’s a basic recipe that you can customize- whether sweet or savory, it will make good muffins. Lemon-blueberry, bacon-cheese mufins, spiced applesauce muffins, oatmeal cinnamon muffins, chocolate raspberry or chocolate banana muffins, and much more. Do you have a couple overripe bananas sitting on your counter? This will help you use them up. How about a wrinkly apple that has gone mealy? It will be delicious chopped or shredded into muffins.
After you've used this recipe-- or formula-- a few times, you'll get to where you don't even need the recipe to make any kind of muffin you can think of.
What will you make with this recipe?
Or, what did you make?